About Biofreedom

Biofreedom is a volunteer organization based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We operate solely based on the hard work of our volunteers, and private donations. We also currently receive funding from the Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG).


What are Biofreedom's Goals?

Biofreedom believes that genetically engineered (GE) crops and products have been introduced into Canadian markets without sufficient testing. This puts the health of all Canadians at risk, and puts our farmers at serious risk of financial ruin should foreign markets continue to refuse GE crops. To solve these problems, Biofreedom is calling on the Canadian government to:

1) Immediately create a mandatory labelling scheme for any products that contain GE crops so that Canadians know what they are eating.

2) Issue a moratorium on all GE crops until sufficient long-term scientific tests have been performed and they have been proven to be safe beyond a reasonable doubt.

In this goals, Biofreedom demonstrates its firm belief that the precautionary principle must be applied to GE crops and products. The precautionary principle simply states that, in the absence of thorough scientific understanding, caution must be applied. The principle is found in many international treaties, including Article 174 of the EC Treaty and is Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration from the UN Conference on Sustainble Development.


How Does Biofreedom Operate?

Everyone can play a role in the battle against GE products, from government officials and politicians who regulate what can be planted, to farmers who decide what they will plant, to grocers and restaurants that decide what to buy, to consumers who decide what to buy and eat. Our role is to enable citizens to make their own choice, and we do this through information. We believe that the case against GE products is a strong one, and we don't see the need to resort to fear-mongering tactics. We work in conjunction with a number of related groups including the Council of Canadians, Greenpeace, the Organic Consumers' Association, and the Sierra Club.


What Can I Do To Help?

We are always looking for dedicated volunteers, and we do accept donations. 100% of donations go to costs such as material production, presentation costs, and bringing in speakers. All of Biofreedom's work is done by unpaid volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please email biofreedom@biofreedom.ca.

Our meetings occur the first Thursday of every month, 6:30 pm at Organic Roots Food Market, 8225-112 St Edmonton.

Biofreedom conducts a leafletting activity the last Saturday of every month from noon to 2:00 pm. Meet in parking lot of Safeway, 82 ave-109 St. e-mail beforehand biofreedom@biofreedom.ca.

Film Library

Biofreedom’s film library has the following documentaries. If you and your friends would like to borrow for a private viewing please e-mail us at Biofreedom@biofreedom.ca

Mutant Food, The Genetic Takeover (1999)Insidious infiltration of GE in food NFB (45 mins)
Deconstructing Supper (2002)A Chef ‘s quest for real food ( 45 mins)
The Future of Food (2004)The Economics, politics & science of GE food (1½ hours)
The Genetic Matrix (2005)Percy Schmeiser’s case against Monsanto ( 34 mins)

